INet-NYC launches the Series INet-NYC Recommends, where board members will share their favorite books, podcasts, movies, NYC restaurants and more to inspire you to make the most of your free time!
The series begins with our Administrative Manager Marta Collu's recommendation for the book "Why We Sleep" by author Matthew Walker, PhD. 1. What is the book about? Why did you decide to read it? Written by Matthew Walker, PhD, professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at UC Berkeley, this book is about the vital importance of sleep. Based on countless scientific evidence it is a 360-degree exploration of sleep, from how and why we sleep and dream, to the beneficial effects for our brain and body, and to the impact that insufficient sleep has in education, medicine, healthcare, and business. I opted to read it because it was recommended on a YouTube channel on healthy habits that I follow. 2. What did you already know about the book’s subject and what new things did you learn? I had the idea that a good night's sleep, both in terms of quantity and quality, is beneficial to our body and brain regeneration, as well as scientific knowledge of how sleep and dreams occur. However, after reading this book, sleep now appears much more complex and health-relevant than I thought. I was fascinated by the power of sleep in boosting our immune system, preventing cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and enhancing memory, learning and productivity. At the same time, I discovered how easily our life-style leads to daily sleep deprivation and how serious the implications are. 3. Share a quote from the book you liked. Why did this quote stand out? I found many, but I will share the one that put a smile on my face: “Should you feel drowsy and fall asleep while reading the book, unlike most authors, I will not be disheartened. [...] Knowing what I know about the relationship between sleep and memory, it is the greatest form of flattery for me to know that you, the reader, cannot resist the urge to strengthen and thus remember what I am telling you by falling asleep”. 4. Why would you recommend this book? If you want to broaden your understanding of this complex and vital function, I recommend reading this book. More importantly, I believe this reading makes us realize how often sleep is neglected in our society, and the repercussions are severe. It encourages everyone, especially in today's fast-paced environment, to think about how much (or how little) significance we place on sleep and to make a conscious effort to shift our personal and societal appreciation of it. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the posts’ authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of INet-NYC. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything. Bloggers and authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
November 2024